Election Day is November 4, which means in just a few short days, I receive my first report card from you. I hope I have done a good job for you in Topeka. I work hard as your legislator, listen to your input, and do my very best to be informed on the issues. It is never possible to please every voter on every vote, but my goal is, on balance, to fairly represent all of you.
Since taking office as your State Representative, I have tried to let you know my thoughts concerning the issues facing our state and community. My newsletters sent have prompted many of you to write, email or phone me with your thoughts. As I have visited with you on your doorsteps this summer, I’ve learned that many of you have used them as a starting place to discuss the issues of concern to you. Your feedback is very helpful to me in representing you, and I hope these newsletters continue to be useful.
No matter who you support in the 92nd District race, or any other campaign, the most important thing you can personally do is vote. The right to vote is just that: a right, not a privilege. Thousand of Kansans have fought and died to preserve that right for all of us.
Sadly, there are folks doing their best to suppress the right to vote in Kansas. As of September 10, over 25,000 Kansans and over 5,000 voters in Sedgwick have had their voting rights “suspended” by the Kansas Secretary of State. These voters are on his voter suppression list not because they are not citizens entitled to vote, but because the Secretary of State claims he cannot verify their citizenship.
Don’t let the people trying to keep you home on election Day win. GO VOTE! IF necessary, demand your right to cast a provisional ballot, and VOTE! Your vote honors the sacrifice made by so many to preserve that right.
I hope I have earned your vote in the November election.
Stay in touch.