About John Carmichael
John Carmichael is the Kansas House Representative for District 92, which includes Riverside and parts of north west Wichita. He was first elected in 2013 to complete the unexpired term of Representative Nile Dillmore.
John is a lifelong Wichitan, a graduate of Wichita State and KU. He and his wife, Cheryl, have lived in Riverside since 2000. He has practiced law here for over 30 years, served on civic boards and committees, taught as an adjunct faculty member at WSU, and received public service awards from several organizations, including the Veterans Administration.
He has served on the Governor’s Committee on Kansas Libraries under Governor Finney, and as Chair of the Kansas Human Rights Commission, and then as Chair of the Kansas Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, under Governors Sebelius, Parkinson and Brownback.
As a lifelong Democrat, he has dedicated countless hours to building the party. In 2006, he established the “voter protection” poll monitoring program in Sedgwick County and was later asked by the Kansas Democratic Party to implement the program statewide. He concluded two terms as the Fourth District chair of the party, and was the Kansas Democratic Party state secretary.