Month: May 2017

Carmichael tied the school funding debate to the unresolved question of how much lawmakers must raise taxes to close a budget deficit projected at $900 million over the next two years. He blamed the state government’s revenue shortfall on 2012 tax reform championed by Brownback that denied the state hundreds of millions of dollars needed to properly meet core obligations, such as public education.

“Through a full repeal of the 2012 tax experiment, we could adequately fund our public schools,” Carmichael said. “But this bill fails to suitably provide for the education of our children as required by the Kansas Constitution.”

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“I’m prepared to stay there as long as necessary to adequately fund the schools and to fix the broken tax system in Kansas,” said Rep. John Carmichael, (D) Wichita. He blames the impasse on lawmakers playing power politics games.

“I just wish that my colleagues would quit playing games and get down to business.”

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In this Wednesday, May 17, 2017 photo, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach talks with a reporter in his office in Topeka, Kan. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)Democratic state Rep. John Carmichael, a Wichita lawyer who’s sparred with Kobach, said he “has a long history of in Kansas of overstating the extent of voter fraud.”

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Democratic state Rep. John Carmichael, a Wichita lawyer who’s sparred with Kobach, said he “has a long history in Kansas of overstating the extent of voter fraud.”

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Rep. John Carmichael, D-Wichita, said he would prefer the Legislature hand securities commission obligations to Attorney General Derek Schmidt. Placing securities within the insurance department, criticized in the past for being cozy with industry, is a mistake, Carmichael said.

“In the future,” he said, “we may regret placing securities in that location.”

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Kansas Secretary of State Kris KobachRep. John Carmichael, a Democrat from Wichita, questioned whether it was a worthwhile use of taxpayers money to “have a full legal staff over there and only find 8 or 9 violations to prosecute.”

“Either, it’s not happening to the degree that the secretary of state imagines, or he and his staff are wasting the taxpayers’ money,” Carmichael said.

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